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HINDU BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter A

HINDU boys Baby names list(1775 to 1800 ) starting with letter A is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Aumansh Lord Shivaboy
Aumkaar Lord Shivaboy
Aumkarswami Lord Shivaboy
Aumnimit Destiny of the Sacred Syllableboy
Aunj Smallboy
Aurav Roman God of Dawnboy
Aurel Golden Hairedboy
Auronee A Firewoodboy
Aurva Grandson of Rishi Bhriguboy
Ausaf Qualities; Virtues; Meritsboy
Austinraj Kingboy
Avachat Add Meaningboy
Avadh Ayodhayaboy
Avadhesh King Dasarathaboy
Avadhoot God Dattatreyaboy
Avahul Add Meaningboy
Avalok One who Beholdsboy
Avalur Add Meaningboy
Avan Waterboy
Avaneesh Master of the Earthboy
Avanindra King of the Earthboy
Avanish God of the Earthboy
Avantika Another Name of Earth; Holy Place; Ancient Name of Ujjain; Heavenboy
Avashesh Remainderboy
Avasyu Lord Indraboy