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HINDU BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter A

HINDU boys Baby names list(1075 to 1100 ) starting with letter A is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Amrrit Great Liquid of God; God's Nectar; Drink that Make Live Foreverboy
Amrut Food of Devas; Nectarboy
Amruth Sweetness; Nectarboy
Amruthamshu The Moonboy
Amruthanshyu Moon Likeboy
Amrutheswar Name of Lord Shivaboy
Amrutsagar Sea of Nectarboy
Amshu Atomboy
Amshul Bright; Ray of Sunboy
Amshuman Sunboy
Amuda A Liquid which when Consumed Makes the Person Live Life-long without a Death; Purityboy
Amuk Some; One or Anotherboy
Amul Pricelessboy
Amulaya Invaluableboy
Amulya Precious; Priceless; Valuableboy
Amum Very Beautifulboy
Amuthan Purity; Precious Oneboy
Ana Grace; Favourboy
Anaad Beginning-lessboy
Anaadhi Without Beginningboy
Anaadi Without Beginning; Name of Lord Shivaboy
Anaan Cloudsboy
Anaar Pomegranateboy
Anad Amazing; God; Anupboy
Anadhya Add Meaningboy