2017 march Horoscope Predictions for libra in Tamil and Hindi
Below are the horoscope result predictions for libra moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer2017 march Horoscope Predictions for libra in English
libra result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
Like last month, most of the planets are still in the West. Your 7th House of Others will get very strong after the 20th. It�s time to be your natural Libra self. Adjust to uncomfortable situations as best you can and put other people first. Your natural social genius will attract all good to you.
Though the planetary power will start shifting to the upper half of your Horoscope after the 20th, the lower half is still more powerful. And, as we have been writing for the past few months, the work to integrate emotional harmony, home life and career continues. Right now the bias is towards emotional harmony � but only slightly.
Until the 20th there is a stressful T-Square Pattern that involves home, career, love and personal desires. (After the 20th a different T-Square � with different planets � replaces the old one.) All of these areas are competing for your time and attention and want to pull you in different directions. Your job is to make them all co-operate.
This T-Square puts some stress on health � especially after the 20th. Happily, you are still very health-conscious all month and will be on top of things. Your focus on health is a good focus. Keep your energy as high as possible and refuse to waste it on frivolities. Holistic therapies are still best.Job-seekers still have excellent aspects and seem successful. Those who employ others also have success. Finances still come with more difficulty until the 20th, but don�t despair � go the extra mile, handle the difficulties, there is strong prosperity after the 20th. Again, social contacts play a big role.
The two planets involved with communication, Mercury and Jupiter, are both retrograde this month. (Mercury goes retrograde on the 20th; Jupiter will be retrograde all month.) So avoid mass mailings, advertising campaigns or important communication projects after the 20th. Try to schedule them for before then. The retrograde of both these planets will also test your communication equipment and car. Travel, either foreign or domestic, should be rescheduled as well. If you can�t reschedule travel plans, and you must travel after the 20th, allow more time in case of delays or glitches.
Your social life is unusually active (even by your standards) this month. Libra heaven. There is much going out, many parties and many social gatherings. Love becomes more honeymoonish after the 20th as well. (The family is still in conflict with your lover or spouse, but this will ease up after the 20th.) Singles will find love opportunities close to home or through family connections until the 20th. Afterwards, the opportunities come in the usual ways � parties, entertainments, sporting events and as you pursue leisure activities.
2017 march Horoscope Predictions for Thulam Rasi in Tamil
Horoscope prediction for libra moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.
libra result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
Before Next week end it will be updated
2017 march Horoscope Predictions for Thulam Rashifal in Hindi
Horoscope prediction for libra moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.
libra result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
It will be updated soon.