
2017 april Horoscope Predictions for virgo in Tamil and Hindi

Below are the horoscope result predictions for virgo moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer

2017 april Horoscope Predictions for virgo in English

virgo result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Two eclipses this month shake up the world around you, but you seem unscathed. They seem benign for you. Probably they will open doors, or clear obstructions to your progress. Sometimes very deep and difficult obstructions need to be blasted away; this is the function of the eclipses. The Solar Eclipse of the 8th occurs in your 8th House. This will bring long-term changes in your spouse or partner�s earnings, financial strategies or plans. If you are involved in property, tax or insurance issues, the eclipse will mark a turning-point and things will start moving forward briskly. An eclipse in the 8th House sometimes shows exposure to death or near-death experiences. But this need not be taken literally. More often than not it means that we are forced to confront our own fears and thoughts of death, and come to terms with them. The eclipse forces us to strive for a deeper understanding of life and death and life after death. The cosmos will know how to arrange this deeper understanding in the way that is best for you. Many of you will also be making important changes in your spiritual regimes and practice. Those involved in causes, charities and philanthropies (and many of you are) will be making important changes in those areas. Your sexual attitudes will also undergo profound change. In younger Virgos an eclipse in the 8th House signals sexual awakening. In older Virgos it can show menopausal changes. Much depends on what stage of life you are in.

The Lunar Eclipse of the 24th occurs in your 3rd House. For students this means important and long-term educational change. For older Virgos it indicates changes in your intellectual interests. Cars and communication equipment often get tested under the influence of this kind of eclipse. There are important and long-term changes in your neighbourhood. Perhaps neighbours move. Perhaps the rules of the neighbourhood change and it causes some disruption. A sibling could have a temporary crisis, or there could be a change in your relationship with this sibling.

With your 8th House very powerful until the 20th, detox regimes go well. It�s also a good time to pursue your interests in personal transformation and to get rid of possessions, emotional patterns and character traits that have outlived their usefulness.

After the 20th your 9th House becomes strong. This will be a good time to pursue educational and travel goals. Also good for those involved in religious or philosophical studies. It is a period of mental expansion and revelation.

Finance needs more patience, though overall there is prosperity. There is some financial conflict with your partner after the 15th. Perhaps taxes are heavier on you than usual. But these things are just short-term bumps on the road to ever-growing prosperity.

2017 april Horoscope Predictions for Kanni Rasi in Tamil

Horoscope prediction for virgo moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.

virgo result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Before Next week end it will be updated

2017 april Horoscope Predictions for Kanni Rashifal in Hindi

Horoscope prediction for virgo moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.

virgo result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

It will be updated soon.