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TELUGU BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter R

TELUGU boys Baby names list(175 to 200 ) starting with letter R is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Ree Lord Shiva; Rare Earth Elementboy
Reeyan Gate / Door of Heavenboy
Rehman Merciful; It is in Prayboy
Rehmat Mercyboy
Renaud Wise Powerboy
Renesh Lord of Loveboy
Reshmanth Sun; Fortunate; Energeticboy
Reshwanth Goodboy
Revan Love; Wonderful; Horse Riderboy
Revanath Krishnaboy
Revanth Son of Sun; Horse Riderboy
Revathi Silkyboy
Rhutvik Lord Shivaboy
Ricky Ruler; Peaceful Ruler; Dominant Ruler; Brother; Strong Power; Lucky; Powerful; Brave Ruler; Abbreviation of Richardboy
Riddhiman Possessed of Good Fortune; Lucky Personboy
Ridit World; World Knownboy
Rigved One of the Vedas; The First Veda; Name of a Vedaboy
Rijul Innocentboy
Rikhil Eternityboy
Ripu Enemyboy
Ripudaman Killer of Enemiesboy
Rishab King; Morality; Superior; Romantic Moralityboy
Rishabh Superior; An Avatar of Lord Vishnu; Second Note of Octave; Morality; A Musical Note; Oxboy
Rishav Sweet; Caringboy
Rishi Saint; Sage; Ray of Light; Self Controlled; Kindnessboy