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SANSKRIT BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter P

SANSKRIT boys Baby names list(175 to 200 ) starting with letter P is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Prasanta Calmed; Pacific Seaboy
Prasanta Calmed; Pacific Seaboy
Prasanth Calm and Composedboy
Prasanth Calm and Composedboy
Prashanta Calmboy
Prashanth One who is Peaceful; Calm; Lord Hanumanboy
Prasun Love; Flowerboy
Pratap Dignity; Majesty; Glory; Braveryboy
Pratapa Gloryboy
Prateek Symbol; First Word in a Sentenceboy
Pratham First; Lord Ganesh; 1st in All Fieldsboy
Prathamesh Lord Ganesha; Lord of the Bestboy
Prathish Good Behavior; Beautifulboy
Prathish Good Behavior; Beautifulboy
Prathita Known; Celebratedboy
Prathita Known; Celebratedboy
Prathmesh Lord Ganeshaboy
Prathyusha Sunriseboy
Pratik Shadow; Symbol; Godboy
Pratika The Image or Symbol of Godboy
Pratiksatra Respected by All Warriorsboy
PratiVindhya Salvation; Nirvana; Mokshaboy
Pravaaham Flowboy
Pravar Beyond Imagination; Most Excellent; Chiefboy
Praveen Expert in Something; Experienced; Good in Behaviour; Able to do Anything Capable; Expert; Good Mentality; Skilledboy