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MARATHI GIRLS Baby Names Starting with Letter S

MARATHI girls Baby names list(525 to 550 ) starting with letter S is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Shriya Prosperity; Wife of Lord; Auspicious; Lucky; Better; The Best Forever; Goddess Lakshmi; Beautifulgirl
Shrujana Creative and Intelligent Girlgirl
Shrujeshwari Goddess of Creativitygirl
Shrunali Born in Month of Shravan and on Nagpanchamigirl
Shruta Heard; Knowledgegirl
Shrutadeva With Divine Knowledgegirl
Shrutadevi Goddess of Knowledge; Goddess Sarasvatigirl
Shrutakirti Of Well Known Glory; Famousgirl
Shrutavati Famous; Well Knowngirl
Shrutavinda Knower of Scriptures; A Rivergirl
Shruthi Melody; Music; Lyrics; Musical Instruement; Lead Life in an Abstract Waygirl
Shruthika Lord Parvatigirl
Shruti Beautiful; Different; Hearing; Veidik Text; Expert in Vedas; Intelligent; Different in All; A Musical Tone; Knowledge of Vedgirl
Shrutika A Person Who's Hearing is Acknowledged by Everybody; Not Nonegirl
Shubha Auspicious; Shining; Goddess Lakshmigirl
Shubhada Giver of Luckgirl
Shubhalakshmi Divine Fortunegirl
Shubhamayi Full of Splendor; Beautifulgirl
Shubhangi One who Brings Happiness; Brilliant; Beautifulgirl
Shubhankari Door of Good Deeds; Goddess Parvatigirl
Shubhika A Garland of Auspicious Flowers; Excellent or Greatgirl
Shubhra Pure; Wholesome; Neat; Clean; White; The Gangagirl
Shubhravati Fair Complexioned; A Rivergirl
Shuchi Puregirl
Shuchika Sacredgirl