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MARATHI BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter V

MARATHI boys Baby names list(275 to 300 ) starting with letter V is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Vidhesh Lord Shivaboy
Vidhu Lord Vishnu; The Moonboy
Vidhur Skillful; Expert; Wise; The Wisest Minister of King Dhrutarashtra's Cabinet in Great Indian Epic; Skilfulboy
Vidhyadhar Full of Knowledgeboy
Vidip Brightboy
Vidojas Lord Indraboy
Vidur Wise; A Friend of Lord Krishna; Skilful; Expertboy
Vidvan Scholarboy
Vidvatam Lord Shivaboy
Vidyaaranya Forest of Learningboy
Vidyacharan Learning; Knowledge; Learnedboy
Vidyadhar Learned; Demi Godboy
Vidyaranya Forest of Knowledgeboy
Vidyasagar Ocean of Learningboy
Vidyut Lightningboy
Vighnajit Lord Ganeshboy
Vighnaraaj An Epithet of Ganeshaboy
Vighnesh To End Evil or Bad; Lord Ganeshaboy
Vighneshwar Lord of Supreme Knowledgeboy
Vignesh God; Lord Ganeshaboy
Vigrah Lord Swaminarayan; Lord Shivaboy
Vihaan Flying High; Morning; Dawn; Sun's First Light; New Beginning; Raising Sunboy
Vihang A Birdboy
Vihanga Birdboy
Vihvap The Moon; Fireboy