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MALAYALAM BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter P

MALAYALAM boys Baby names list(200 to 225 ) starting with letter P is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Prana Spiritboy
Pranad Lord Vishnu; Lord Brahmaboy
Pranal Waterwayboy
Pranav King; Intelligent; The Sacred Syllable Om; Lord Vishnu; Sacred Syllable Om; Symbol; Workship; Gentle; Jolly; Wonderful; Happiness; Name of Lord Ganesh; The Kingboy
Pranava Praise; Salutationboy
Pranay Innocent Love; Romance; Love; Marriage; Affection; Friendshipboy
Praneel A Name for Lord Shivaboy
Praneet Requested; Calmnessboy
Praneeth The Sacred Syllable Om; The Unknown; Calmness; Loveboy
Pranesh Lord of Lifeboy
Pranet Leaders; Modest; Leadershipboy
Praney Lord Shiva; Obedientboy
Pranit Modestboy
Pranjal Holy Water; Delightful; Simple; Lucky; Life of Waterboy
Pranjivan Lifeboy
Prannath Lord of Life; Husband; Name of Lord Shivaboy
Pranshu Tall; Lord Vishnuboy
Pransu High; Tallboy
Pransukh Joy of Lifeboy
Prasad Blessing; Offering to God During Pooja; Devotional Offeringboy
Prasanna Always Smiling; Cheerful; Pleased; Happy; Name of Lord Hanuman; Happy:boy
Prasata Father of Draupadboy
Prasenjit A King in the Epics; Disciple King of Lord Mahavirboy
Prasham Peaceboy
Prashansa Praiseboy