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HINDU BOYS Baby Names Starting with Letter R

HINDU boys Baby names list(550 to 575 ) starting with letter R is given below. You can click on the required starting alphabet letter.

Name MeaningGender
Raseshwar Lord Krishnaboy
Rasgun One who Delights in the Elixir of Virtuesboy
Rasgur One who Attains the Elixir of Enlightenmentboy
Rashad Integrity of Conduct; Righteous; Good Judgement; Thinker; Counsellor; Lord Krishna; Maturityboy
Rashanaa Full of Flavour; Filled with Flavour; Flavoured Drinkboy
Rashesh Lord Krishnaboy
Rashid Having the True Faith; Guide to the Right Path; Integrity; Brave; Righteous; Mature; Pious One; Rightly Advisedboy
Rashil Goodboy
Raship Add Meaningboy
Rashmi Sun Raysboy
Rashmikant Ray of Lightboy
Rashmiketu The Sunboy
Rashmil Silkenboy
Rashmin Sun Light; Sun Rays; The Sun and the Moonboy
Rasik Connoisseurboy
Rasiq God of Allah Nameboy
Rasjeevan One whose Life is Full of Elixir of Naamboy
Rasjog Union with Elixir of Naamboy
Rasleen One Absorbed in the Elixir of Naamboy
Rasmani Lord Krishnaboy
Rasmaru Lord Krishnaboy
Rasna Tongue; Speechboy
Rasnam One who Drinks the Elixir of Lord's Nameboy
Rasool Messenger; Messenger of Godboy
Rasraj King of Flavoursboy