
2017 november Horoscope Predictions for aquarius in Tamil and Hindi

Below are the horoscope result predictions for aquarius moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer

2017 november Horoscope Predictions for aquarius in English

aquarius result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Health needs much more attention until the 22nd. Continue to maintain high energy levels and be aware of bodily feedback. Often doing less is more. Quality, effective actions are more important than uncentred type of actions. Keep the focus on essentials and let lesser things go. Enhance health by paying more attention to your heart, stomach, breasts and your diet.

You are still very much in your yearly (and perhaps lifetime) career peak. The need for outer success is stronger than family and emotional issues � stronger even than financial issues. The financial results of your elevation in status might not be seen for a while, but they will come. New and �high- status� friends are coming into your social circle. It�s as if they�ve been �planted� there by the cosmos for precisely this point in your life.

Finances are still complicated but we see much improvement this month. Your Financial Planet, Neptune, started moving forward on October 26th. Uranus (also deeply involved in finance) starts to move forward on the 16th. Stuck financial deals start to move forward. Your normally sound financial judgement and confidence return.

Last month, the wheels of life turned again. The planetary power shifted back to the Eastern sector. This, combined with the forward motion of your Ruler, Uranus, is giving you more personal independence, self-confidence and self- esteem. Greater personal clarity about what you really want is also a big help. You can start ordering your life your way � on your terms � in ways that make you good. If others don�t go along with your plans, go off on your own. It is time for the world to adjust to you (and it seems willing to do so). With your 11th House getting supercharged by the 22nd, we could describe this month as �Aquarius Heaven�. The cosmos impels you to do the things that you most love to do � get involved with groups, organizations, friends and the media. Though romance is status quo this month, friendships are exciting and good. Your friends are looking out for you and your interests.

Singles can find love opportunities as they pursue career goals or through involvement in group activities. Bosses and friends like playing cupid now. There could also be love opportunities with bosses or those above you in status � also with friends who want to become more than that.

2017 november Horoscope Predictions for Kumbam Rasi in Tamil

Horoscope prediction for aquarius moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.

aquarius result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Before Next week end it will be updated

2017 november Horoscope Predictions for Kumbam Rashifal in Hindi

Horoscope prediction for aquarius moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.

aquarius result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

It will be updated soon.