2017 july Horoscope Predictions for taurus in Tamil and Hindi
Below are the horoscope result predictions for taurus moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer2017 july Horoscope Predictions for taurus in English
taurus result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
A very important month for you, Taurus, with many long- range consequences. On the 16th slow-moving Saturn makes a once-in-two-and-a-half-year move from Cancer into Leo � from your 3rd House into your 4th. Mars will move into your own Sign on the 28th and stay there for the rest of the year. This is a tricky energy to deal with. Mars will push you to haste, to get things done in a hurry, while Saturn will slow you down. It�s like driving with the emergency brake on. You can�t drive as fast as you would like, though you�ve got your foot on the accelerator. Nor can you completely stop the car. There is a deep spiritual message here � make haste slowly. Be ready to take bold actions when necessary, but think them through.
With Saturn now (from the 16th onwards) in a stressful aspect with you, health will need more attention. This is so for the coming two-and-a-half years, but especially this month. Abuse of physical energy will give you an immediate physical feedback � your body will complain. This is basically a good thing, however. It is alerting you to make changes. Enhance health by resting and relaxing more (not so easy when Mars is in your own Sign) and by keeping your focus on things that are truly important to you. Let lesser things go. This period, pay more attention to your heart, stomach and breasts (until the 23rd) and to your intestines after then. Diet is more of an issue healthwise this period. While there are no hard-and-fast rules about diet � everyone�s needs are different and everyone�s needs change under different conditions � if you listen to your body you�ll know what foods are good. You will see how you feel after eating certain foods. This is the best way to go about it.
Mars in your own Sign will enhance the libido and physical energy. You will be more athletically inclined, more inclined to vigorous physical exercise. But Saturn in square aspect with you counsels not to overdo it. Again, listen to your body as you exercise.
Like last month, most of the planets are below the Horizon and your 4th House of Home and Family is much stronger than your 10th House of Career. So this is a period for getting your home, family and emotional life in order. Both of your Career Planets are still retrograde, so you have a wonderful opportunity to shift more attention to your home. This is a time for building the psychological foundations of future success � rather than acting strongly in the world.
By the 22nd the planetary power will have shifted to the Western sector of your Horoscope. Thus, you are in a period of moredependence on others. Social skills are more important for success now. Personal initiative will be important at times (Mars is in your own Sign) but it won�t be enough to carry you. You must have the co-operation of others.
2017 july Horoscope Predictions for Rishabam Rasi in Tamil
Horoscope prediction for taurus moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.
taurus result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
Before Next week end it will be updated
2017 july Horoscope Predictions for Rishabam Rashifal in Hindi
Horoscope prediction for taurus moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.
taurus result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
It will be updated soon.