2017 february Horoscope Predictions for scorpio in Tamil and Hindi
Below are the horoscope result predictions for scorpio moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer2017 february Horoscope Predictions for scorpio in English
scorpio result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
The Western sector of the Horoscope starts to dominate after the 3rd. Thus you are in a period where you live with the conditions you�ve created in previous months. A good thing, too. How can you know whether you created well until you experience the results? Much of life is trial and error. We learn by living and doing. If you�ve created well, you will experience happiness. If mistakes have been made, you will live with the consequences for a while, and have opportunities to correct them later on. In the meantime, adjust to conditions as best you can and cultivate your social skills. Avoid self-will and self-assertion; seek consensus in all that you do. Like last month, most of the planets are below the Horizon and your 4th House of Home and Family is still very strong. Your 10th House of Career is empty (except for the Moon�s visit on the 21st and 22nd � your monthly career peak). So, like last month, this is a period for finding your emotional comfort zone and functioning from there. Right feeling and the right inner state are more important than outer success. They are the prelude to it. The foundation for it.
An important job opportunity came late last month, but if not, it may still happen until the 6th. Job-seekers have opportunities in the neighbourhood (or through neighbours and siblings) after the 6th.
Overall health is good, but you need to rest and relax more until the 18th. Enhance health by paying more attention to your heart, liver and thighs (until the 6th) and to your heart, spine, knees, teeth and skeletal alignment after then. Those in the healing professions enjoy great success after the 6th. Seldom have your healing abilities been this strong.
Finances are still strong. Financial intuition is working overtime this month. Intuition needs more verification, though. And some of what you receive can happen far in the future. Earnings opportunities come through property, from the family or through family members, or via a family business.
Your Love Planet, Venus, moves speedily this month, showing great social confidence and much forward progress in your social goals. Singles will have different needs in love at different times � different preferences. Until the 3rd they are allured by intellectuals and need good communication with the beloved. They need the exchange of ideas and mental intimacy. After the 3rd they crave emotional intimacy, the sharing of feelings. Nurturing and emotional support become important in love. After the 28th, love is about good times and parties. The giving of joy is what is most important.
2017 february Horoscope Predictions for Virichchikam Rasi in Tamil
Horoscope prediction for scorpio moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.
scorpio result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
Before Next week end it will be updated
2017 february Horoscope Predictions for Virichchikam Rashifal in Hindi
Horoscope prediction for scorpio moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.
scorpio result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
It will be updated soon.