
2017 february Horoscope Predictions for aquarius in Tamil and Hindi

Below are the horoscope result predictions for aquarius moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer

2017 february Horoscope Predictions for aquarius in English

aquarius result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Your yearly personal-pleasure peak is still in full swing. Most of the planets are still in the East and your own Sign of Aquarius is strong all month (50 per cent of the planets are either there or will move through there). Your 1st House of Self is very strong, while your 7th House of the Other is empty (except when the Moon visits on the 21st and 22nd). So you have the power to change undesirable conditions, to create new conditions and to tailor your life according to your personal specifications. Self-confidence and self-esteem are strong. Your way is the best way � and it seems that your spouse or partner agrees with you. Perhaps even friends as well. Direct, independent action makes a big difference in your happiness now � so take this action.

By the 3rd most of the planets will be below the Horizon of your chart. You�ve completed a yearly career cycle and now it�s time to take care of family business, shore up family relationships, get the home in order and stabilize the home base. Sometimes career is advanced by direct, outer-orientated actions, sometimes by subjective, inner-orientated actions. This is a time for the latter. The �night� half of your Horoscope is now strong. Night is for digesting the past and for dreaming of the future. The actions of the night, though we are not aware of them � and though the world is not aware of them � are actions nevertheless. For night is the mother of the day. The actions you take in the night will eventually see the light of day.

Another fun-filled and very prosperous month. All kinds of sensual pleasures are available, and more importantly you can easily afford them. Like last month there are big-ticket personal items coming to you. Love is still actively pursuing you. All you have to do is just be yourself. Go about enjoying life and love will easily find you (it probably already has).

Both your Financial Planet and your Money House are strong this month. Your interest in finance is intense all month, and with interest and attention come success. Better to have a strong interest with difficult aspects than to have easy aspects but little interest. Your strong interest gives you the drive to overcome all obstacles. Like last month, financial opportunities pursue you. After the 18th your spouse, partner or lover seems very supportive. Family members, a family business or people who are like family to you are also very supportive.

Health is still excellent; you can enhance it further in the ways described last month.

2017 february Horoscope Predictions for Kumbam Rasi in Tamil

Horoscope prediction for aquarius moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.

aquarius result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Before Next week end it will be updated

2017 february Horoscope Predictions for Kumbam Rashifal in Hindi

Horoscope prediction for aquarius moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.

aquarius result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

It will be updated soon.