2017 december Horoscope Predictions for pisces in Tamil and Hindi
Below are the horoscope result predictions for pisces moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer2017 december Horoscope Predictions for pisces in English
pisces result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
We close the year pretty much as we began. Life is a circle, always repeating but never exactly the same. Most of the planets are above the Horizon, your 10th House of Career is very strong (and you are still in your yearly career peak) while your 4th House of Home and Family is mostly empty. You can safely downplay family and domestic concerns and focus on your career.
Like last month, family actually seems supportive of your career and won�t put up a big fuss. Like last month, career is enhanced through a willingness to travel and educate yourself, through hard work and charitable and philanthropic activities. In the beginning of the year, integrating worldly and spiritual values was a struggle � now you seem to have mastered it. Both sides of your life � the spiritual and the worldly � are co-operating with each other. The planets are now mostly in the East � the shift that began last month is firmly established. Chart your own course in life. Attain your ends through direct and bold action. Be polite to others, but go your own way. Your way is best. Now that self-confidence and self-esteem are very strong (both your personal planets are moving forward) you should see quick progress towards your goals.
Finances are still stressful, but not as stressful as last month. Everything in life is a matter of degree. If you are prospering, you deserve a lot of credit � you�re earning it. The forward motion of your Financial Planet on the 10th is also helping matters � your financial judgement is much improved. Financial decision-making is apt to be much better.
Love is still very volatile and can change dramatically at any time. Though your Love Planet moves forward on the 4th and your social judgement is good � there are still many surprises, both positive and negative. Seems difficult to make any kind of long-range social plans, as you don�t know whom you�ll be with (or if you�ll even be talking to that person). Like last month, you are mixing with people of high status and prestige. There are love opportunities as you pursue your career goals, and perhaps with a superior or boss. Singles are still allured by position and power. They are allured by people who can help their career.
Health will improve after the 21st, but in the meantime rest and relax more. Enhance health by paying more attention to your liver, thighs, spine, knees and skeletal alignment. Metaphysical therapies are still beneficial until the 21st � after that you seem to gravitate to more orthodox kinds of therapies. Health problems can be reduced by maintaining good relations with friends. The health of a friend seems a concern after the 21st.
2017 december Horoscope Predictions for Meenam Rasi in Tamil
Horoscope prediction for pisces moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.
pisces result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
Before Next week end it will be updated
2017 december Horoscope Predictions for Meenam Rashifal in Hindi
Horoscope prediction for pisces moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.
pisces result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect
It will be updated soon.