
2017 july Horoscope Predictions for scorpio in Tamil and Hindi

Below are the horoscope result predictions for scorpio moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer

2017 july Horoscope Predictions for scorpio in English

scorpio result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

An important month for you, Scorpio, as many planetary changes are taking place. Saturn changes Signs and Houses (which only happens once every two-and-a-half years). Its move into Leo shows important career changes and a need to mind your health for the next two-and-a-half years. On the 28th Mars will move into Taurus and stay there for the rest of the year. Both Mars and Saturn become a part of a T-Square in fixed Signs � which affects you strongly. With your 10th House of Career very strong, you are likely to be working very hard. You are busy. Yet you need to make sure you don�t overdo it. High energy is the first (and foremost) defence against disease. While you have enough energy to do your own work � the work you are meant to do � you don�t have enough to do other people�s work, or handle imaginary responsibilities. So, good discernment is necessary now. Good discernment, clarity of mind and a strong sense of what is and is not important will help get you through this period. Enhance health with vigorous physical exercise, scalp massage and, after the 28th, through paying more attention to your neck and throat. Neck massage is unusually beneficial these days.

Most of the planets are above the Horizon, your 10th House is very strong (40 to 50 per cent of the planets will Either be there or moving through there) and you are well into your yearly career peak. Great career progress is happening. Career seems the centre of everything. Even your love life is involved here.

With Saturn moving into your Career House, many of you are being promoted and are taking on more responsibility. Those of you starting out might have a demanding boss over you � someone who doesn�t leave you alone and who is overbearing, like a drill sergeant. Though this isn�t pleasant, the way out is to give the boss more than what is demanded. Make it a spiritual discipline. The so-called demanding boss will soon be your biggest supporter. Your career will soar. Though your social skills will be a help careerwise, this is only short term. For the next two years, only real merit, real achievement will count. Those of you who are in business should not play games with the government now. The government is likely to be strict with you � likely to hold you to the letter of the law.

Finances are good and will improve further after the 22nd. Your Financial Planet, Jupiter, is forward all month, so many financial deals are moving forward. Trusting your financial intuition is the most important thing now. And it becomes much more trustworthy after the 22nd.

2017 july Horoscope Predictions for Virichchikam Rasi in Tamil

Horoscope prediction for scorpio moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.

scorpio result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Before Next week end it will be updated

2017 july Horoscope Predictions for Virichchikam Rashifal in Hindi

Horoscope prediction for scorpio moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.

scorpio result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

It will be updated soon.