
2017 february Horoscope Predictions for cancer in Tamil and Hindi

Below are the horoscope result predictions for cancer moon sign born people. Analysis is done to predict the career, love, family, finance, health and foreign travel aspects. These are general prediction. Specific prediction will vary based on the planatory position in your birth horoscope. If you need more details based on your individual horoscope you can contact our astrologer

2017 february Horoscope Predictions for cancer in English

cancer result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Like last month, the percentage of planets in the West is still huge. Personal power and personal initiative mean very little now. It is a time to trust � to develop faith in � the Higher Governance and let it have charge over things. It will guide you towards your highest good (which could be quite differ-ent from your personal sense of what is good for you). Again, it leads you outside your normal limits from the 3rd to the 7th and from the 16th to the 21st. This is meant primarily to educate you, for you don�t stay outside these limits for long.

Health is improving and you can enhance it even more by strengthening the parts of the body mentioned last month. By the 5th, 60 to 70 per cent of the planets are above the Horizon, so it is time to devote yourself to your career, your life�s work, the reason you were born, the mission that you and you alone were born to fulfil. Home life is very good this month. But you are seeing that the home serves some outer purpose. It is the incubator through which important things in the world are nurtured. Every hero, every great politician, scientist, transformer of society, had to have a nurturing base to get to where they got. The home is the source from which all worldly change and activity happen. It is the mother of every career.

Career is fostered through social connections this month � especially after the 6th. Perhaps your spouse has useful connections. Perhaps you are doing more entertaining to enhance your career. Perhaps you are attending more parties and gatherings that have a career purpose behind them. Also you are socializing with prestigious people this month.

With your 8th House powerful until the 29th, libido is stronger than usual. But this is also a good period for helping others to prosper, paying off debt, getting clear on tax issues, attracting outside investors to your projects and for personal transformation. The deeper things of life call to you � occult studies, past lives, life after death, depth psychology. A won-derful period for detox regimes � physical and emotional. A great time to let go of things that you don�t need � to clear the decks for the new good that wants to come in. Finances are strong this month, but seem to come from your spouse or partner. Your financial intuition is unusually strong from the 1st to the 4th.

After the 18th, your 9th House becomes powerful. So foreign lands and foreign travel call to you. Opportunities for travel will come, and they look well-aspected. Health and vitality are vastly improved then. A wonderful period for gaining higher knowledge and philosophical revelation. University students do much better, as they have a greater interest in their studies.

2017 february Horoscope Predictions for Katakam Rasi in Tamil

Horoscope prediction for cancer moon sign is given below for Tamil readers.

cancer result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

Before Next week end it will be updated

2017 february Horoscope Predictions for Katakam Rashifal in Hindi

Horoscope prediction for cancer moon sign is given below for Hindi readers.

cancer result prediction due to the combination of Saturn and Jupiter Transit Effect

It will be updated soon.